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Historical People

An Unearthly Child 3.88
Marco Polo 3.26
The Aztecs 3.67
The Reign of Terror 3.14
The Romans 3.29
The Crusade 2.79
The Myth Makers 3.63
The Daleks’ Master Plan 3.72
The Massacre of St Bartholomews Eve 3.38
The Gunfighters 3.33
The Smugglers 2.63
The Highlanders 3.38
The Evil of the Daleks 4.02
The Abominable Snowmen 3.94
The War Games 4.05
The Time Monster 2.86
Carnival of Monsters 3.75
The Time Warrior 3.92
Invasion of the Dinosaurs 3.64
The Masque of Mandragora 3.79
The Talons of Weng-Chiang 4.33
Horror of Fang Rock 4.00
The Visitation 3.75
Black Orchid 3.25
Mawdryn Undead 3.67
Enlightenment 3.38
The King’s Demons 3.25
The Awakening 3.67
The Mark of the Rani 3.58
Timelash 3.42
Delta and the Bannermen 2.00
Remembrance of the Daleks 3.42
Silver Nemesis 2.39
Ghost Light 1.33
The Curse of Fenric 2.83
The Ghosts of N-Space 2.39
The Unquiet Dead 3.50
Tooth and Claw 3.75
Daleks in Manhatten 3.08
The Fires of Pompeii 3.63
The Unicorn and the Wasp 2.63
The Sarah Jane Adventures: Lost in Time 3.50
The Curse of the Black Spot 3.50
Let’s Kill Hitler 4.00
Dinosaurs on a Spaceship 3.88
A Town Called Mercy 3.63
Cold War 4.25
The Crimson Horror 3.75
Robot of Sherwood 3.00
The Magician’s Apprentice 4.38
The Girl Who Died 3.75
The Woman Who Lived 3.13
Thin Ice 3.50
Empress of Mars 3.50
The Eaters of Light 3.88
Twice Upon a Time 3.75
Rosa 3.63
Demons of the Punjab 4.00
The Witchfinders 3.25
Spyfall 4.69
Nikola Tesla’s Night of Terror 3.38
Ascension of the Cybermen 3.75
Flux 2.17
Legend of the Sea Devils 1.67